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The Fund for Transforming Education in Kentucky (The Fund) inspires and scales innovation and excellence in Kentucky’s public schools, resulting in a better future for all of our children. Here on our blog, we share about our work in a more in depth manner. Blog posts are written by staff members, teachers we work with, board members and others.

The Fund believes in unlocking the unique potential of every student by spreading innovative ideas, shining a spotlight on transforming teacher leadership, and driving sustainable change that will increase academic achievement for all students in Kentucky’s public education system.

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Barbara Bellissimo

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kentucky Connected Educator Month Day 4

Laura Raganas

Technology Integration Specialist

Taylor County School District

In what ways are you a connected educator?

When I think about this question, my mind begins to race as to the many directions this could go...connected to/with students, parents, co-workers, community, and internationally.  However, with each of those, I can use the same sites, apps, and programs.  I began my journey to be connected with my teacher website years ago and would post activities, hyperlinks and my newsletter.  From there, I got a twitter account and began connecting with other teachers around the world.  Our district is performance-based which pushed me to create videos for my 4th and 5th grade math classes using the site/app Knowmia.  Those are now publicly posted and students can access them any time as a tutorial.  Since I have moved into a technology position, I have broadened my network to include Google (Drive, Apps, Hangout, etc…), Collaborize Classroom, Ky iTunesU (4th Grade Math and 5th Grade Math courses), Edmodo, Nearpod, Evernote, ISTE, KySTE, and Remind101.  (This is definitely not an exhaustive list.)  I also have a livebinder of apps at:  http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/923579

How does being connected impact your practice?

Being connected is the best and most progressive thing I have done to help facilitate my classroom.  Through the numerous connections, not only do I gain knowledge, I am able to share my findings with my students, colleagues, and others with whom I network.  

As a classroom teacher at Taylor County Elementary, I was fortunate enough to be in a 1:1 iPad situation.  Our district is also performance-based K-12 so the students would access their assignments online and progress at their own pace.  This allowed me to meet each child’s individual need(s) where they needed me most.  The students would access their assignments via Ky iTunesU or on my website and then take their tests on CIITS.

This year, I am working with all teachers K-12 in the district to help implement technology effectively.  My main focus has been at the high school level where all the teachers and students have a Google account and they collaborate through this platform.  Many of them also have a Collaborize Classroom account for their students to blog.  Others may use Ky iTunesU, Edmodo, Nearpod or Evernote.

How does being connected impact you as a professional?

By being “connected”, I have access to others’ creativity and ingenuity.  On the above mentioned sites and apps, I can share with other professionals as well.  Let’s face it, in this age of technology, educators must stay current.

What advice or resources would you recommend to colleagues interested in becoming connected?

I would say that you should begin with Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.   These would give you an opportunity to learn from others and share what works for you.  From there, try to create a blog and access sites such as Ky iTunesU to see how others have created online courses for students.  Finally, expand your connections in the direction that works for YOUR students and YOU -- Personalize your Learning.  


As a teacher, I strive to provide the best education for each child...differentiating however and whenever possible to reach each one.  I have taught 3rd grade and gifted/talented in Florida, 4th and 5th grade in Kentucky, and am now Technology Integration Specialist in the Taylor County School District. 

If you would like more information, you may contact me at: laura.raganas@taylor.kyschools.us
connect with me on Twitter @lraganas
find me (Laura Raganas) on LinkedIn

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