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The Fund for Transforming Education in Kentucky (The Fund) inspires and scales innovation and excellence in Kentucky’s public schools, resulting in a better future for all of our children. Here on our blog, we share about our work in a more in depth manner. Blog posts are written by staff members, teachers we work with, board members and others.

The Fund believes in unlocking the unique potential of every student by spreading innovative ideas, shining a spotlight on transforming teacher leadership, and driving sustainable change that will increase academic achievement for all students in Kentucky’s public education system.

Thank you for your consideration and visiting our blog. If you share in our vision of an innovative education culture, we welcome the opportunity to partner with you. Please visit our website at www.thefundky.org for more information.

Barbara Bellissimo

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kentucky Connected Educator Brooke Whitlow

Brooke Whitlow Hardin County

In what ways are you a connected educator? 

After attending the AMLE conference in November 2013, I began to connect with educators across the nation through Twitter. I started participating in weekly Twitter chats on #edtechhat and #flipclass. I found #kyedchat in January of 2014 and became an active participant. My professional learning community started with professional connections on Twitter and have grown to become friends. My PLN and I are co-organizing the first EdCampKY and are frequent presenters at conferences around the state. 

How does being connected impact your practice in schools/classroom?

How does being connected NOT impact my practice in my classroom?Almost every day, every lesson, every question I have in my classroom I refer to a chat, a conversation or a message from my PLN on Twitter or Google Plus.  The innovation and creativity I have brought to my classroom is a direct result of my connectedness. 

How does being connected impact you as a professional?

I have a sounding board, a community of people who understand, and who are willing to give feedback and advice. They have helped stretch me outside of my comfort zone and try new things in my classroom that I never imagined I would or COULD do. 

What advice or resources would you recommend to colleagues interested in becoming connected?

Don't hesitate to get involved. At first it is daunting. Start with a small Twitter chat first to get the feel before jumping into a big one. Don't be afraid to hit the FOLLOW button. Learn from as many people as possible. Reach out to others!! 

Bio: Born and raised in Hodgenville, Kentucky, the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, Brooke has always had a passion for history….especially Abe Lincoln. It was no surprise she started her career in education as an 8th grade American history teacher. She never thought she would find a greater passion than history until she began her graduate work at Western Kentucky University, where she focused on instructional technology.  During her coursework at WKU, she began seeking grant opportunities to provide technology funding for her classroom. After being selected as a model classroom for 1:1 iPad technology in her district, she was asked by administration to write a new curriculum for a Technology Education course at her school, East Hardin Middle. Brooke is passionate about providing a technology rich environment for her students, while focusing on student engagement and authentic learning. She frequently presents at conferences on her passions and is very active with her PLN on #KyEdChat. Recently, she took her passion straight to the White House where she talked with US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden at a round table discussion with 19 other educators from across the nation. Currently, Brooke is enhancing her Technology Ed course with the addition of a career focused Maker Space and establishing herself as a leader in the Tech Ed and Maker Space community through her professional resource site at BrookeWhitlow.com. When she isn’t teaching, planning, talking or thinking about educational technology she enjoys spending time with her husband Joey and two children Grant and Vivian. She enjoys running, reality TV, sushi and knitting.

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