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The Fund for Transforming Education in Kentucky (The Fund) inspires and scales innovation and excellence in Kentucky’s public schools, resulting in a better future for all of our children. Here on our blog, we share about our work in a more in depth manner. Blog posts are written by staff members, teachers we work with, board members and others.

The Fund believes in unlocking the unique potential of every student by spreading innovative ideas, shining a spotlight on transforming teacher leadership, and driving sustainable change that will increase academic achievement for all students in Kentucky’s public education system.

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Barbara Bellissimo

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Kentucky Connected Educator Day 30

LeRonda Morton

Learning and Innovation Specialist
Fayette County Public Schools

In what ways are you a connected educator?

Being connected is a way of life for me. In addition to using social media and the Internet daily to connect with friends and family, I depend on technology to support my work with administrators, teachers, students, parents, and the community. As a Learning and Innovation Specialist for Fayette County Public Schools, I model effective use of technology constantly. I encourage educators to take advantage of the rich opportunities we each have at our fingertips to virtually connect with people, ideas, and rich learning experiences across the globe. Most recently, I participated in an 8 week Coursera course entitled Creativity, Innovation, and Change. Through this MOOC, I was able to collaborate with over 100,000 other people from all over the world and all different walks of life. This type of extreme collaborative culture opens doors to learning in ways that I never before imagined. Being connected enhances creativity, generates ideas, allows for extreme collaboration, broadens research opportunities and experimentation, and spurs change.

How does being connected impact your practice?

Being connected gives me a platform to practice what I preach. The most important part of being an educator to me is being a lifelong learner. With the daily advancements we see in technology and connectivity, I find myself constantly seeking knowledge to stay abreast. I love to see our students, the true digital natives, in the role of teacher when it comes to bridging the technological gap we sometimes see. Some of my best days are when i can sit down with a student at STEAM Academy and partner with him/her to discover new ways to incorporate technology into the student learning experience.

How does being connected impact you as a professional?

Being connected allows for ongoing, intensive, relevant professional development. Being connected also eases collaboration that would not otherwise be possible. Through Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and MOOCS, I have learned practical knowledge that I implement immediately to enhance and change my practice. Being connected allows me to grow everyday as a professional and personally.

What advice or resources would you recommend to colleagues interested in becoming connected?

-Be creative!
-Use Twitter  to connect with other educators and start conversations about your own interests, needs, and growth.
-Share! Share! Share! Anything you find useful will probably benefit your colleagues in some way. 

-Encourage a culture of sharing resources.
-Keep an open mind. Technology, like us, is always evolving. Allow yourself to test and experiment different platforms to fit your needs.
-Value the learning experiences that result from being connected.
-Watch TED talks in your spare time to spark your own creativity.
-Start a blog.
-Collaborate with a student on a project. Allow the student to take the lead and facilitate the learning process. You'll be surprised how much you learn.

LeRonda is Learning and Innovation Specialist with Fayette County Public Schools in Lexington.  She works with the STEAM Academy and within the district supporting the schools of innovation.  Prior to this position, she taught high school English and served as a literacy coach.  LeRonda has a B.A., M.A., and is pursuing her doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Cincinnati.

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