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Barbara Bellissimo

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kentucky Connected Educator Day 23

Digital Citizenship Week takes us to Barren County today...

Jaime McMillan
High School English Teacher
Barren County

In what way (s) are you a connected educator?

I remain a connected educator through the use of social media and Internet tools in my classroom.  Over the past year and a half, I have learned to use Twitter as a rich educational tool for myself and for my students.  On Twitter, I had the amazing opportunity to connect with Rob DuBois, author of Powerful Peace.  As I taught Mr. DuBois’ book in my class, we were actually able to interact with him and other professionals connected with his book on Twitter. 

I also use Twitter for other classroom activities and resources as well.  Through Twitter posts of other professionals, I found the Marc and Angel Hack Life blog (www.marcandangel.com).  I have begun using some of these blog posts with my seniors as a read and response activity.  This activity heightened student interest and gave them a unique classroom lesson plan beyond the textbook.

We also use blogging on my school website for some class activities.  While some teachers use the Edmodo resource for blogging, I have kept my activities tied to my school website blog option.  Here, I set up blog questions for my students to connect with certain chapters or quotes from the books we read in class.  Students then go into the blog and post their responses.  Again, this gives students the opportunity to move beyond the textbook and use social media tools within the classroom.

How does being connected impact your practice?  

My class had two different online response days where we discussed specific aspects of Rob DuBois’ non-fiction book Powerful Peace.  We labeled these activities “TweetChat” sessions.  These interactive sessions piqued students’ interest by giving them a unique opportunity to feel and experience a connection with the author himself.   Also, these TweetChat sessions gave my students and me a sense of worldly community connection as those who interacted with us, though connected with the book, were located in different parts of the country.  Further, those who watched our classroom activities unfold online offered help, resources, and even donated more books to my classroom.  Through this online connection, Mr. DuBois even visited our school and met with my students who read his book. 

In addition, I often conduct short classroom activities using Twitter.  I’ll post a question or multiple questions for students to answer.  Students learn to become precise and succinct in their responses due to the 140 character limit on a Twitter post. 

How does being connected impact you as a professional?

Social media such as Twitter allows me to interact and connect with similar individuals who can exchange information and ideas with me about educational practices, resources, and activities.  Being connected on social media has also afforded me the opportunity as an education professional to showcase to those outside the educational realm that progressive, fun, and exciting activities happen in public schools. 

What advice or resources would you recommend to colleagues interested in becoming connected?

Many educators have begun using Twitter and other social media tools as avenues for classroom activities.  The students love these activities, as most students personally use social media on a daily basis.  I find when students are interested in an activity, they put forth more effort and look forward to class activities.  I truly believe that learning at higher levels occurs when students are connected and excited about their schoolwork. 

I would recommend any educator at least try one form of social media for classroom activities.  Twitter, blogging, Facebook, Edmodo, YouTube, and dozens of other options exist.  Don’t be afraid to “get connected” using one or more of these online options for classroom activities. 

Jaime McMillan is a 13 year veteran English teacher at Barren County High School.   Jaime earned a Master’s Degree of Arts in English and Education from Western Kentucky University.  She is known for her innovative teaching strategies that connect the content of lessons to lifelong learning skills for better individuals in a better society.  She has conducted writing workshops for her school and has earned multiple awards for the integration of technology in her classroom.  The Barren County School District named Jaime district teacher of the month in December 2012 for her use of technology and social media in the classroom. 

Twitter @KYTeacherJMc

Linked In-Jaime McMillan

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